Developing Smart Payment Solutions for a Fintech Firm

Developed a customized payment solution to reduce security vulnerabilities, improve operational efficiency, and maximize business growth across international borders.

About this

About this project

The client was facing issues with security and fraudulent activities and wanted a comprehensive payment system that could eliminate system vulnerabilities, streamline their operations, and provide their customers (merchants) with a dashboard panel for seamless online payment.


Product Engineering, Customer Experience




About the client

The client is a growing fintech firm that offers financial services to merchants and helps streamline their online payments. They provide comprehensive assistance for merchants, allowing them to manage and track their transactions– history, ongoing, and upcoming.

About the client About the client


  • Fraud Detection System

Our team built a full-fledged fraud detection system for the client to eliminate their security issues and provide a stable and secure backend system for conducting financial transactions.

  • Dashboard Panel

We created a customized dashboard panel for the client’s customers that includes multi-layer features and a user-friendly interface to enable them to track their transactions and automate payments for repetitive orders.


  • API Integration

We provided third-party integrations with the client’s system to enable smooth merchant onboarding, extend the functionality of their automatic clearing house (ACH) system, and automate email procedures, such as sending transaction emails or loyalty program emails to existing customers. 


Providing results that exceeded the client’s expectations

  • The client’s overall operations have become reliable, and they are now able to bring in more merchants than before, which is helping in boosting their ROI.
  • Security issues decreased drastically with a robust system of fraud detection in place.
  • Our smart payment solution has helped the client to expand their business to new regions.
  • Client’s customers, i.e., merchants, are now able to use their dashboard panel and handle operations seamlessly because of our easy-to-navigate payment solution.

Case Studies

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