Emerging Tech

Voice Technology- The Next Big Thing

Voice technology is a fast-growing concept that has become a daily part of our lives. At home, we have our smart speakers like Google Home and Amazon Echo, both of which make use of their respective company-developed voice technology.

We are all aware of Alexa and Siri — the two most common virtual assistants powered by voice technology. Even on our Android smartphones, we have Google Assistant. All this shows just how heavily incorporated voice technology has become in our daily lives in such a short period of time.

In fact, according to Econsultancy, as much as 40 percent of all internet searches will be activated using voice search by 2020. As more and more people use this technology, the demand rises, which means that technology providers will have to increase their investments in voice technology.

Voice Technology for Augmented Growth

It’s not just consumers who can make use of the power of voice technology; even businesses can harness their benefits. Although voice technology is definitely more popular among consumers than businesses as of now, it is likely that this trend will change.

While just 31 percent of businesses use voice technology at work compared to 46 percent of adults in the US, it is predicted that the first number will see an increase in the next few years. This is because major tech providers are already rolling out voice technology aimed at businesses, including:

Alexa for Business

Amazon is working on developing Alexa for Business, where the technology will store all-important business information related to user accounts, devices, skills, and so on, thereby enabling the virtual assistant to increase efficiency in the workplace. There is no doubt that this tool will be of great use in meetings.

Watson Assistant

With this white label tool from IBM, businesses can build conversational interfaces into any device, application, or channel. The best part is that you don’t have to be a professional technician to be able to use this. AI-powered assistants that use voice technology can be built by non-technical users too.

Voice technology is a melting pot for three different technologies, which are IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and UX, which allows users to make hands-free use of technology. Top UX design firms play an important role in the development of the best voice technologies today.

As more people understand its advantages, it is being quickly adopted by many sectors, including marketing, automotive, fin-tech, healthcare, and more.


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