Mobile App Development

Mobile App ideas to consider using Javascript(Js)

JavaScript is the most popular language on our planet. Even back-end developers who write server-side code tend to research more questions on JavaScript than any other language. That’s because JS is pretty inescapable. One of the most powerful things you can do with JS is to build mobile apps for both Android and iPhone. Here are some JavaScript frameworks and mobile app ideas that you can use.

Build hybrid mobile apps

Hybrid apps merge components of the web and native applications. They are a mobile version of a website that runs on a web browser. Unlike Safari, Chrome, or Firefox, this is a default browser that does not use an address bar. They are cross-platform compatible and can run on multiple mobile operating systems.

JavaScript frameworks that can be used to create hybrid mobile apps include Phonegap, Sencha touch, Onsen UI, and Ionic.

Build native mobile apps

These apps work with only one component for an operating system. Some components of a native app will change as the features of the operating system change; for example, buttons and preloaders. These apps are written in programming languages like Objective C for iOS and Java for Android operating systems. The advantage of native apps is that they are fast and reliable when compared to hybrid mobile apps.

Today, you can use a JavaScript framework to build native mobile apps that are cross-platform compatible. You can convert a JavaScript code to render the native components to the platform it runs on.

Here is a list of JavaScript frameworks you can use to build native apps.

React Native

An open-source framework that has been created and maintained by Facebook. Although not a new framework, it is one of the most popular. You can create an entire mobile app using only JavaScript. It uses the same design as React and lets you build a rich mobile user interface from declarative components. Apps built using React Native include Instagram, Uber, Facebook, and Walmart.


Build native iOS and Android apps from a single code with Tabris.js. If you know how to use PhoneGap and/or Ionic, you won’t have trouble using tabris.js, and it won’t be a difficult destination to migrate. Tabris.js follows the same format as PhoneGap and Ionic config.xml.

Native script

For great UI performance, Telerik Native Script is just right. This open-source framework allows you to build both Android and iOS mobile apps.

Of all the above apps, Tabris.js framework is definitely the best as it also supports cloud build without the requirement of huge SDK installations that consume both space and memory.


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