Mobile App Development

How Much Does Food Delivery App Development Cost? [A Guide for Planning Your Budget Carefully]

How much does it cost to create an on-demand food delivery app? Businesses looking to invest in food delivery app development must be concerned about this critical query, whether they want to start from scratch or scale an existing one. 

Building a food delivery app is an excellent way to generate revenue and attract new customers who prefer to try new cuisine now and then and want the convenience of getting their food delivered to their doorstep. Although several factors add to the total estimation of the mobile app development cost, we will give you an idea of how much it costs to make a successful app like Uber Eats, Grubhub, or Postmates.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Food Delivery App?

Typically, the cost of developing a full-fledged food delivery app is between $60,000 and $200,000. However, it can also go up to $300,000 with the integration of more advanced features and functionalities. 

Food Delivery App Development Cost With Basic Complexity

This is the basic application with minimum viability and standard features like user profile, login, delivery/order details, push notification, and minimal design, which take a minimum 3 months to be developed. It can cost anywhere from $40,000 to $90,000.

Food Delivery App Development Cost With Intermediate Complexity

Apps with medium complexity have more sophisticated features than food delivery apps with basic functionality, such as tracking, personalization, custom UI details, and so on. Developing such apps can cost you between $100,000 and $200,000.

Food Delivery App Development Cost With Advanced Complexity

If you are looking to build a responsive design, third-party integrations, real-time suggestions and updates, a custom payment gateway, etc., such features can be costly and time-consuming. It can take more than a year to take your food delivery application to that level of rich complexity. Depending on the complexity and further requirements, it can cost anywhere between $200,000 and $300,000 or more.

Total Cost of Developing Various Types of Food Delivery Apps

Cost of Developing a Food Delivery App Like Grubhub

Grubhub is one of the leading food delivery apps in the USA, and with dynamic pricing models that adjust based on demand, location, and delivery time, this model is mostly in demand among startups and businesses. And developing such applications can go up to $200,000.

Cost of Developing a Food Delivery App Like Uber Eats

Another popular food delivery app is Uber Eats, which serves 45 countries and 6,000+ cities. It uses technologies like AI and ML to optimize delivery routes and times in real-time. Moreover, it suggests meals based on user preferences, past orders, and trending items. Developing similar applications can cost more than $250,000.

Cost of Developing a Food Delivery App Like DoorDash

You can take inspiration from the robust logistics platform that DoorDash has developed. This platform can manage restaurant inventory and order capacity. This can ensure orders are accepted only when restaurants have the capacity to fulfill them on time, preventing delays and cancellations. The total estimate for building such applications is between $120,000 and $220,000.

Cost of Developing a Food Delivery App Like Deliveroo

Deliveroo focuses on expanding restaurant reach and reducing delivery times by strategically placing cloud kitchens. Developing a food delivery app like Deliveroo, offering hyperlocal and data-driven food options that match consumer demand, can cost $90,000-$150,000.

Want to know more about these popular food delivery apps and how you can develop them? Read our definitive guide to on-demand food delivery app development, explaining everything from technologies, features, and processes to monetization models.

Factors Affecting the Food Delivery App Development Cost

  • Development Time

The more features and technologies you integrate into your app, the higher the app complexity and the longer the development time. Moreover, the total development cost is determined by combining the total time required to develop the app with the developers’ hourly rates.

  • Prioritized Features

Next, the type of features you incorporate into your food delivery app will also influence the cost estimation. For instance, you can choose to integrate a payment gateway that is available in the market. Such services have different changes based on the plan you choose. You can also choose to build your own custom gateway, which will take longer to develop, ultimately increasing the development cost.

  • App Development Team’s Location

The charges of a food delivery app development company will vary depending on the region it is located. For example, a mobile app development company in USA will charge differently than a company located in India. Therefore, it is always recommended to explore outsourcing to other regions, so that you can find service providers under your budget. 

  • UI/UX Design

There are various design and visual elements that a business needs to consider while creating the UI/UX layout of the food delivery application. It includes accessibility, color schemes, transitions, and so on. Therefore, you need to hire an experienced food delivery app development company with talented front-end designers and developers who possess a clear understanding of market needs.

  • Technology Stack

The cost of developing a food delivery app will also depend on the technology used. With a robust and scalable technology stack, your app can handle increasing user demands and provide a seamless experience. However, balance the need for advanced features with your budget, considering both short-term and long-term requirements. 

  • Geographical Location of the Team

Teams based in different time zones might offer cost advantages but could also introduce challenges in coordination and timely delivery. On the other hand, local teams may provide better alignment with your working hours and ease of communication but often come with higher costs. Evaluating these trade-offs and establishing clear communication protocols are key to ensuring smooth collaboration across regions, especially if you choose to outsource parts of the development process.

  • Third-party Integrations and Licensing

Integrating third-party services is often essential for a fully functional food delivery app, and it comes with associated costs, including licensing fees and potential ongoing charges based on usage.

  • Payment gateways
  • Map services
  • Analytics tools 
  • Scalability and Performance Optimization 

Building a food delivery app that can scale efficiently as your user base grows is effective for long-term success. For scalability, you must optimize both the backend infrastructure and the application architecture to handle increasing traffic without compromising performance with the careful consideration of the following factors:

  • Database management
  • Server resources
  • Load-balancing techniques
  • Required investments
  • Testing and Maintenance

With rigorous testing and ongoing maintenance, you can ensure the long-term reliability of your food delivery app. This helps identify and resolve issues before the app goes live. After the launch, regular maintenance is necessary to keep the app compatible with the latest OS versions and devices. Therefore, budgeting for continuous testing of the app and maintaining it is a wise investment.

Proven Tips to Optimize Food Delivery App Development Cost 

  • Using MVP Development Approach

One of the most effective strategies to optimize food delivery app development costs is to start with an MVP development that focuses on the core functionalities essential for the app’s operation, allowing you to

  • Quickly launch your product to the market
  • Gather valuable user feedback
  • Iterate based on real-world usage

This approach allows you to test your business idea with minimal investment, reducing the risk of over-committing resources to features that may not resonate with users. 

  • Utilizing Open-source Tools and Frameworks

Leveraging open-source tools and frameworks can significantly cut down development costs while still delivering a high-quality product. Many reliable, community-supported technologies are available for free, offering robust solutions for everything from front-end design to back-end infrastructure. 

For example, with React Native app development services, you can build apps for both iOS and Android with a single codebase.

  • Build the Food Delivery App for Future Growth

Designing your food delivery app with future growth in mind is essential for minimizing costs down the line. A scalable architecture allows your app to handle increased traffic and new features without requiring a complete overhaul. 

Note: With flexible backend solutions, such as cloud-based services, you will be able to scale your application effectively as demand grows. 

  • Working With a Reliable Food Delivery App Development Company

Partnering with a reliable food delivery app development company can make a significant difference in optimizing costs, such as:

  • Avoid common pitfalls
  • Streamline the development process
  • Ensure that the project stays on budget and on schedule

How Does Successive Digital Make Your Food Delivery App Idea Successful?

  • Current State Analysis (CSA)/ Market Analysis

At Successive Digital, we uncover opportunities and gaps in the market that your app can capitalize on and ensure that your product is positioned for success from the outset, such as:

  • Assessing the existing market
  • Identifying key competitors
  • Understanding user behavior patterns
  • Define Your USP

We help you articulate your USP in a way that resonates with your target audience, whether is for

  • Seamless user experience
  • Exclusive partnerships with local restaurants
  • Innovative delivery options
  • Comply With Legal Requirements

Successive Digital is committed to ensuring full compliance with all relevant regulations. From data protection laws to industry-specific requirements like health and safety standards, we guide you through the necessary legal frameworks. 

  • Focus on Scalability and Data Protection

As your user base grows, our solutions ensure that your app can handle increased traffic without compromising performance. We implement scalable architectures using cloud-based technologies, allowing your app to expand effortlessly as demand increases. 

  • Custom Solutions

Every food delivery app idea is unique, and at Successive Digital, we offer custom solutions tailored to your specific needs. We understand that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work in today’s competitive market, so we take the time to understand your business objectives, target audience, and operational requirements. 


With various existing business models and application types, building a food delivery app can be a challenging process. Consequently, businesses can leverage the expertise of an innovation-intensive food delivery app development company with years of experience creating unique apps.

Determining the cost of developing a food delivery app involves assessing multiple factors. It is closely tied to the scope of work required by software engineers, which can range from 1500 to 8760 hours, with rates varying based on location and expertise. This variability makes it challenging to estimate costs upfront.

However, by partnering with a seasoned development team, you can navigate these complexities more effectively. An experienced team brings both technical expertise and industry insights, helping you identify cost-saving strategies without compromising on quality. 

At Successive Digital, we go beyond delivering a high-quality product. We focus on scalability, security, and unique value propositions to create apps that truly reflect your brand and drive business growth. With our guidance, your app idea can be transformed into a successful reality, balancing quality and cost-efficiency at every step.


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