Business Objective

Business Objective

Kredin found a significant problem in the debt collection process and sought our assistance in putting together a framework that encapsulated both front and backed technology. The task was to help establish a fintech debt collection system that delivered real-time data to customers seeking debt recovery, streamline the process, and provided results - faster.

Business Challenge

Unsuitable Tracking System

The existing system had several fundamental issues that prevented ease of tracking and monitoring for the end consumer, i.e the lender.

Complex System

The process Kredin followed was complex and unstable for the general audience, topped with a sophisticated visual architecture that made it impossible for lenders to be on top of everything.

Semi-Automation Systems

Although automated systems existed but they were limited in their ability to render real-time data and avail reminders to the end consumer which made Kredin fall back, technologically.


Business Solution

A fintech software solution was adopted at both the front and back end levels, alongside third-party software integrations, to develop a smooth online cloud-based debt collection system that made debt collection comfortable, executed real-time reporting, and established better communication via automated reminders and push notifications.

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