Simplifying Audit Trail Management for an Agritech Business

Improving the product’s functionality- making it intuitive, user-friendly, and efficient for global audiences. 

About this

About this project

The project required the implementation of audit trail capabilities to log and track every user action within the application, ensuring data entries were recorded with timestamps to increase accountability, maintain data integrity, and help end users comply with regulatory standards. Additionally, internationalization features were required to make the application accessible and user-friendly for individuals across different regions. Enhancing the solution's features and usability was also a priority to make it more efficient and user-friendly, aligning with the client’s commitment to continuous improvement.


Product Engineering, Cloud




About the client

Our client is a leading AgriTech business that believes in the power of data-driven decision-making. With a suite of advanced machine-learning algorithms, the company excels in analyzing and interpreting extensive datasets crucial to agricultural operations. Their machine-learning algorithms enable them to analyze and interpret vast amounts of data commonly used in the farming industry. The company faced a significant challenge developing an audit module for its prominent product. 

Their product offers the agritech industry a powerful solution to increase productivity and enhance the quality of field trial data. The product facilitates efficient planning, execution, and analysis of field trials, enabling businesses to accelerate product development cycles and seize market opportunities more swiftly. Moreover, the solution ensures the reliability and accuracy of trial data through comprehensive data collection, analysis, and management capabilities. With centralized and intuitive management features, agritech businesses can effectively plan, operate, analyze, and manage all field trials from one cohesive platform, eliminating manual processes and disparate systems.

About the client About the client


Efficient Project Requirement Translation and Integration

Successive helped the client by developing the Audit Module, significantly accelerating the development of their product. Our team facilitated the efficient translation of project requirements into tangible solutions and ensured the seamless integration of the new team with existing ones. To facilitate internationalization, we utilized the ‘Lokalisation’ tool, importing all translations into the device and adding a script to Jenkins to load various languages into the application. This enabled the addition of Spanish and Portuguese language support to the application.

Advanced Audit Trail Functionality

We created a dedicated screen within the app to display audit logs. This screen shows the audit logs with their timestamps, the old and updated values, the areas where changes occurred, and the reasons for those changes. The information is presented in a tabular format for easier understanding. Additionally, we utilized AWS features such as SQS, Lambda functions, S3, and Athena. User changes on the UI were manipulated and stored, with relevant information stored in S3. Athena was used to query data from S3 onto the listing page. From a frontend perspective, we added a popup prompting users to enter the reason for changes whenever a field was updated.


Enhanced Product Functionality and Market Expansion

The improvements enhanced product functionality, enabling greater transparency and improved data management. Implementing internationalization and adding Spanish and Portuguese language support expanded the user base by 40%, providing a competitive advantage and attracting new users and clients, leading to an increase in market share. The Successive team worked closely with the client using agile methodologies to adapt to evolving product needs. We collaborated with the client’s  R&D team to deliver an end-to-end solution encompassing design, architecture, development, and quality assurance. These enhancements met the client’s business requirements and expanded their platform’s offerings.


Providing results that exceeded the client’s expectations

Improved Functionality of the Product

The Audit Module enhanced data tracking and management, improving user experience and platform efficiency.

Secure Data Management

AWS integration ensured secure, efficient storage and retrieval of data changes, enhancing data reliability and protection.

Multilingual Support

Adding Spanish and Portuguese support expanded the user base by 40%, improving market reach and user satisfaction.

Architectural Design for Audit Logs

A robust architectural design facilitated efficient tracking and documentation of data changes in a user-friendly format.

Infrastructure Setup

AWS features were leveraged to create a scalable, reliable infrastructure supporting the platform’s growing needs.

Reduced Infrastructure Cost with Code Optimization

Efficient coding practices and AWS Lambda functions reduced infrastructure costs, enabling better resource allocation.

Case Studies

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