Emerging Tech

Topmost Strategical Technology Trends in 2024 You Should Know

With each passing year, we are witnessing new advancements in the technology transforming businesses around the world. While some things already exist and are common finds in the modern enterprise, other new technologies are ‘prime pickings’ to drastically change the way we live and work. Rapid developments and adoption of these technologies in the enterprise and our lives are contributing to the digital transformation. Analysts have identified that technology trends will shape and disrupt businesses in the next few years.

Every modern technology evolves with new use cases and even newer applications. Additionally, we will begin to see the new benefits and opportunities. Its 2024 and analysts have found out some of the top strategic tech trends that will have a wide impact on both the people and businesses.

Strategic Technology Trends in 2024 depend on two major areas:

  • People-centric
  1. Hyperautomation
  2. Multi-experience
  3. Human Augmentation
  • Smart spaces
  1. Distributed Cloud
  2. Blockchain
  3. AI Security
  1. Hyperautomation

Hyperautomation elevates task automation to the next level. Knowing the selection of automation mechanics, the way they relate to one another and how they may be coordinated and combined is a significant focus for hyperautomation. In other words, It’s the combination of multiple machine learning, packaged software and automation tools to deliver work. This is further kicked off with robotic process automation (RPA).

  1. Multiexperience

Multi experience is basically created by the use of multi-touchpoint and multisensory devices. This is anticipated to grow widely in the coming year as well. In fact, Multi-experience currently focuses on immersive experiences that use augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality, multi-channel human-machine interfaces and sensing technologies.

  1. Human Augmentation

Human augmentation is leveraging technology to increase human capabilities both physically and cognitively. The proliferation of smart devices, and smart wearables can be now seen widely. New applications include the use of these wearables to improve worker safety in the mining industry. In fact, wearables could be used to increase worker productivity and increase human ability.

  1. Distributed Cloud

The cloud holds a lot of potential when it comes to manage operations, governance, updates and evolution of the services. Now, distributed cloud is how the cloud is shifting towards a new era. Most have thought of the cloud as being location independent every time. But now with distributed cloud, physical location of where those data centers are located becomes increasingly important.

  1. Blockchain

Blockchain has the potential to remold industries by enabling trust, providing transparency, and enabling value exchange across business ecosystems. However, it remains immature for enterprise deployments due to a range of technical issues including poor scalability and interoperability. It has been analyzed that Blockchain, will be fully scalable by 2023. Moreover, true blockchain or “blockchain complete” will have the potential to transform industries, and eventually the economy because of the complementary technologies such as AI and the IoT begin to integrate.

  1. AI Security

As mentioned earlier, technologies like hyper-automation already show how true digital transformation is changing in the business world. All the same, these technologies also create security exposure through potential new points of attack. In such case, AI security outgrows as a key solution. Safety and threat leaders should concentrate on three important areas; shielding AI-powered systems, leveraging AI to boost safety defence, and expecting nefarious usage of AI by attackers.

Final Thoughts

In today’s competitive environment, It is important to always remember that embracing change and adopting new technologies and trends will guarantee that your organization maintains a competitive edge. Implementing such technologies will definitely be a game changer for your business. Get ready for the better future!


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