
Top 5 UX Strategies for E-Commerce

Present customers are more picky and discerning than ever. According to the latest survey by Adobe, 38% of online shoppers leave a site just by looking at the design. 68% of users wouldn’t submit a form if it requires too much personal information. That’s the reason why most of the businesses are working hard to have a clean & easy to navigate e-commerce store. This will not only give a better user experience but will also make purchasing intuitive. But, what is e-commerce user experience, why it matters, and what are the top UX strategies for an e-commerce store? 

Have a look: 

What is E-Commerce User Experience?

An e-commerce user experience (UX) is to—

  • get inside the mind of your end-user;
  • identify what can provide the user with a simple, enjoyable, and logical shopping experience.

Why UX Matters for E-Commerce?

UX is very critical to e-commerce. It ensures easy navigation, helps you find what you need, and gives you the freedom to buy anything in a few clicks. And, the more you give someone ease & convenience to buy from you, the more frequently they will come. (Note: Do you know a second delay in load time can result in approx. 20% low conversions in retail.) This is the only reason that you need to ensure that your company (e-commerce store) delivers the best UX. 

Top 5 E-Commerce UX Trends


  • Simplified Navigation


An easy-to-navigate website ensures an excellent user experience. A big NO to the cluttered menus. The present era calls for Minimal, Consistent, and Interactive designs. Easy menus ensure easy navigation to and from. (Tip: Ensure that your internal pages are a max of four clicks away from your homepage.)

  • Mobile-Friendly UX 


A survey reveals that around 27% of the traffic of business is from mobiles and tablets. Users expect the same experience on mobile devices as they have on desktops or any other devices. Make sure your UX/UI is compatible with both; large screens and small screens. The mobile-responsive UX is leading and will be only the leader in the near future.

  • Personalization


It’s a true fact, people enjoy a website or an app more when it provides individual experiences on interaction. This helps users feel more connected and special. A personalized user interface helps you create an instant bond between the website/ app and users. This leads to great loyalty and affinity towards the brand. Last but not the least, it also helps you produce more revenue.

  • Content as Information Architecture


Delivering the right information to your customers at the right places is primarily the best aspect that needs to be focused. It is not only user-friendly but also SEO optimized. This way you can help your customer from scratch to final dispatch to its usage. Good information architecture results in an online store’s success.

  • Easy Checkout Process


An easy, secure, and fast checkout process is the need of the time. Customers want a payment gateway where you don’t need to key in your personal data again and again. In short, they seek for a process where personal data gets secured by reliable encryption methods. 

The Bottom Line

Despite which industry you work for, your business needs a simple, clean, and attractive UI/UX. Now that, when you know the top 5 UX strategies for e-commerce, it’s time to implement them and reap max benefits. 

For expert advice and assistance, feel free to connect with us. Successive Digital have been in the market for the last one decade. Our professional designers not only help you improve the look & feel of your website, but also helps you generate more leads, drive conversions, and build customer loyalty in no time. 

Looking for Passionate UI/UX Designers to Enhance Customer Experience? Connect with Us!


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