Software Development

On-Demand Apps Expecting Favorable Growth During Coronavirus Pandemic

Now, we all are aware of the Covid-19, the novel Coronavirus that started in Wuhan in December 2019 and has become a Pandemic. Without any doubt, it has became the most talked about disease of our time. At present, there are over 3,779,253 active cases around the world, while 474,960 people have succumbed to death from this life-harming disease. And the saddest part is that count is going up every second.

Considering that the virus tends to spread with human-to-human contact and its pace is overwhelming the healthcare system of many countries, various governments have asked its citizens to limit their outings and stay indoors. Not only the people, but Coronavirus has adversely affected the global economy. Name any sector, be it hospitality, airlines, transport, or any other, all are facing unprecedented lows. But even in this grim situation has an unseeable benefit for the story. One of them is mobile app development, especially on-demand industry. In this article,we are going to discuss the rise of on-demand apps during the time of COVID-19.

Why is On-Demand Industry Facing High Demand?

Before we go on to look into the slightly positive impact of coronavirus on on-demand industry, let’s look into the reasons behind the success of on-demand apps in a pandemic situation like now.

Contactless Deliveries

As we know, increasing cases of coronavirus all across the world have increased the fear among people to follow social distancing and avoid direct contact with the suppliers. Users can request delivery professionals to bring their orders in a particular spot outside their house.

Quick and Convenient Shopping Experience

With most shops closed or running out of stock, many customers are unable to buy their regular supplies. In such case, ensuring the regular flow of goods and services through on-demand service stops people from panic buying

Multiple Choices One Stop

Consumers always want to choose from a variety of options. An online platform like an on-demand app helps in making the purchase decision favourable because it has multiple options for products/services.

Adjustment to User Preferences

An amazing feature of on demand apps is analytics and insights which assess user needs and preferences in a more in-depth manner. This enables them to understand what their users want and then ensure that the service is delivered to them.

Multiple Payment Option

The availability of multiple payment options makes on-demand apps a convenient and safer platform for consumers when buying goods and products. The multiple payment gateways adhere to all security norms and are highly fast and reliable.

Here are a few facts on the on-demand market post the pandemic outbreak

  • The US has reported that over 22.5 million users have started using food delivery apps at present.
  • When compared to the year 2019, the year 2020 has seen a 9.8% increase in this sector due to the lockdown.
  • On-demand video streaming services is another vital sector that has witnessed a 12.45 rise after the outbreak.


Popular On Demand Services During This Pandemic

Well, to break the chain, it is imperative to be socially distant from one another. Also, you don’t necessarily have to go out and increase the risk of contracting the disease. Consequently, it is better to rely on on-demand services offered by companies, such as

On-Demand Grocery Delivery

Online Grocery delivery business has seen massive surge in the past couple of months. You can deliver groceries and other essentials with a mobile app to users around your region. Ensure positive safety measures such as contact-less delivery, advising executives to wash hands and use a sanitizer, and more.

On-Demand Food Delivery

Even when people have been confined to the homes, they are able to order the food of their choice simply with a few clicks.Most times, customers are dependent on these apps for their food. So, you can hire delivery executives to serve user requests efficaciously.

On-Demand Medicine Delivery

Elderly people with certain medical conditions will have to take medicines on a daily basis. As an entrepreneur, you can help them by delivering the necessary medicines at their doorstep.

On-Demand Laundry Apps Solutions

Laundry services via on-demand apps have also seen a rise in popularity. These applications are aimed at picking dirty laundry from people’s doorstep and returning them cleaned clothes.

On-Demand doctors service

his is one of the prime services that will be highly required during this pandemic season. Several doctors have now been using doctor on-demand applications to be connected with their patients. They can schedule online appointments via app and obtain instant medical care easily.

Summing Up

The on-demand service apps have outstandingly evolved the way of business operations by enabling themselves in becoming the fast-moving technology companies. To make sure that your business survives, you must enter the online market. During this pandemic, strategize how you can change your model to deliver your services to your customers, at the doorstep, with minimal contact.

For starters, create an app for your business. This is where Successive can help you. We cater mobile app development services, which businesses can use to develop their own on-demand apps to serve their customers.


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