
Cloud Migration and App Modernization: Role and Strategies

According to Gartner, for every dollar that is invested in digital innovation, three dollars are spent on application modernization. Also, 60% of the business face difficulties when migrating to the cloud, actually cloud migration is above the boundaries of technical expertise. Successful and effective cloud migration is inclusive of a complete transformation both culturally and organizationally.

Since the adoption of cloud migration practices, various organizations have started migrating to cloud-based services with an effective plan and strategy for managing and controlling their application ecosystem. According to a study, 95% of companies continue to use monolithic dedicated on-site servers with a combination of private and public clouds for application hosting.

Organizations are hugely evolving towards a cloud-based environment to become more cost-effective and to gain better operational competences. Cloud offers elevated agility, increased innovation speed, and higher response time for business requirements. By enhancing the availability of the applications and minimizing application outages, organizations can provide upgraded customer and user experiences, and not only this, enterprises can swiftly and flexibly gain new business roles and opportunities as soon as these evolve. Application Modernization to the cloud enables businesses to maintain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly growing marketplace.

Beware of the Stumbling Blocks

During the Hybrid Cloud Migration process, it is seen that many organizations quickly become affected by abrupt challenges. For instance, the on-premises application migration to a cloud-based environment can hamper the existing application integrations. The level of complexity and dependencies among the interconnected and diverse apps can ruin the overall cloud migration objectives and can lead to major impediments for your business.

This gives rise to the underlying questions:

  • How will the organizations best guide on the cloud migration journey?
  • How to address and resolve potential challenges and complexities?
  • How to ensure that your cloud migration and app modernization will meet the desired business goals?

Parameters to Ensure for a Successful Cloud Migration

In this blog, we will be answering the above questions as well as highlighting some pillars to ensure a successful and effective cloud migration.

Well Defined Your Desired Business Goals, Objectives and Outcomes

Your desired business outcomes should incorporate questions like how will the cloud migration and app modernization will enhance your business? How will this transformation bring more business value, enhance sales, improve customer services, and boost productivity? This will create collaborative insights and internal metrics that will help businesses to achieve desired business outcomes.

Find the Suitable Partner

Choose a third-party app modernization service provider with an accurate skillset and relevant expertise in cloud migration. Always ensure the provider’s abilities, experience in the relevant business, cultural fit, security, and scalability. The right partners can expand your sales pipelines, gain access to cost-effective infrastructure, and minimize the risk of hampering existing app integrations.

Leverage the power of Automation Tools

Automation will boost the monotonous and iterative migration process, in return will provide an error-free and more effective environment. Once the organization hosts its applications in the cloud, businesses can seamlessly and frequently add new software that means faster integration and quality testing. Moreover, the automation tools will increase the agility, performance, and desired business goals. 

Address the organizational and cultural changes

Cloud migration and app modernization demand vital coordination over several IT extensions. By creating interdisciplinary units across infrastructure, applications, and database personnel will help in reducing uncertainties and boosting recovery time for delays.

Bottom Line

The era of digital transformation has begun and therefore shifting to cloud-based services is vital. The right and suitable app transformation partner is the key to seamlessly and effectively managing your organization’s app modernization and cloud migration practices and also successfully driving the transformation methods.


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